Partner with SVI BREMCO for innovative noise control solutions to ensure you get the best return on your investment

Because fan noise control is an important aspect of any power or process application, we specialize in designing custom industrial fan silencers.  Whether a new build or retrofit application SVI BREMCO can help provide engineered fan noise control solutions to meet all of your project goals.  For new build we can help model and set target criteria for equipment such as fan systems so that the fan inlet, ductwork/casing and exhaust all meets target noise criteria.  Planning to meet needed noise criteria early in the planning phase can avoid unnecessary costs later due to revising designs or having to retrofit commissioned equipment due to site noise problems.

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If existing equipment is a problem, we can provide a comprehensive noise study to determine the root cause of the noise problem and provide a retrofit to meet your budget.

With our long history of designing a variety of air inlet silencers and industrial steam exhaust fan systems, we can often provide aerodynamic or other system improvements that may help provide a return on your investment.  Pressure drop reductions can be targeted through various components in the system, from elbows and ductwork geometry (area changes) to the fan inlet silencer design itself.

Our engineered industrial fan silencer systems can meet your specific project criteria, but other benefits include durability and longevity. Engineered inlet and exhaust fan silencer systems use materials that target decades of design life.  Each silencer system is designed based on flow conditions and duty cycle for the specific application.

SVI BREMCO has a long history of designing inlet and exhaust fan silencers. Contact us today to learn how our professional engineers can assist you with aerodynamic or other system designs and improvements to help provide the best return on your investment.

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Get Our Ultimate Vent Silencer Maintenance Checklist

Unlock the Key to a Safer, Quieter, and More Efficient Plant Today!

  • Enhance Plant Safety: Protect your workforce and equipment by identifying and mitigating potential safety hazards before they escalate, reducing the risk of accidents and ensuring a secure working environment.
  • Minimize Operational Disruptions: Regular maintenance guided by our comprehensive checklist can significantly decrease the likelihood of unexpected equipment failures, ensuring smoother, uninterrupted operations and higher productivity.
  • Ensure Regulatory Compliance and Environmental Stewardship: Stay ahead of compliance with environmental and safety regulations, avoiding costly fines while contributing to a healthier planet by managing noise and emissions effectively.

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